
October 25, 2013

I LOVE this time of year! This first really crisp morning in Alabama. I’ve switched out clothes in my closet which always prompts me to stack all the stuff I didn’t wear this summer and prepare my last minute donation to Goodwill by year end. I do a spring and fall cleaning. Clutter is a pet peeve of mine although you wouldn’t know it by looking at my office right now. My best friend is a clutter queen. And I mean that in the nicest way. For years I’ve hauled off stuff from her house in an attempt to help her get organized and get rid of the mounds of things she “just can’t part with yet”. I will never forget the trunk load of magazines (seriously….. it was a trunk load) I brought home promising to go through them for her and tear out the items and recipes she thought she must have. That lasted about one lazy Saturday afternoon. I then promptly delivered the remaining ones to a local nursing home. Earlier this year we tackled her kitchen cabinets. We packed up boxes and boxes of yard sale items and stacked them in her garage. They will be there when I return for a visit and most likely will be buried under more stuff. It doesn’t stress me though. My philosophy is if she can live with it then so can I. Just glad I don’t live with her full time! I’ve always been pretty much clutter free at home as I’ve found that with the more clutter in my surroundings, the more chaos I have in my life. Routine also helps me keep the clutter down. Tackling everyday tasks at home like sorting the mail, making the bed, hanging up clothes and keeping the kitchen sink free of dishes keeps me happy.

Now I never said I was a clean freak. I like to think my house is in order. But cleaning? That takes a lot more discipline than my clutter obsession. I’m still working on THAT discipline thing……